Get Involved

Explore the different ways you can contribute to our mission and sign up to make a difference!

People holding hands


Like our mission and want to help out? Join one of our internship teams!

Executive Management

Executive Management Interns report directly to the President of Musical Memories, assisting with the management of the organization as a whole.

Human Resources

HR Interns report directly to the Director of Tutoring, helping manage the Tutoring Department, conducting outreach for events, and networking with professionals to form new connections.

Event Coordination

Event Coordination Interns report directly to the Director of Musical Hospice, forming relationships with organizations to host events with and brainstorming unique event ideas.

PR + Graphic Design

PR + Graphic Design Interns work to run the social media accounts of Musical Memories, designing creative Instagram posts with Canva and staying on-trend with TikTok.


Want to do more than just participate? Start a chapter at your high school or town!


Our Tutoring Department connects experienced high school and university musicians with younger students eager to learn.

All Levels

Our tutoring program is designed to support students who are passionate about music. Whether you're just starting or already advanced, our tutors are here to guide you.

Entirely Online

All lessons are currently held online through Zoom and aim to prepare students for our performances, which you can check out below!

Completely Free

This program is completely free and conducted by volunteers. If you're an advanced musician looking for volunteering hours, sign up below to become a tutor!


We conduct performances for a variety of causes, from professional recitals to dementia care.

Our Goals

Our performances aim to bring joy and therapeutic benefits to diverse audiences. We collaborate with talented musicians and organizations to create events that not only entertain but also make a difference in the lives of others. From giving young musicians a platform to showcase their talents to helping ease the minds of dementia care patients, we use the healing power of music to lift those around us.



We're dedicated to bringing music to students of all backgrounds, helping refugees, underprivileged students, and more!


A Helping Hand

At the center of our mission is bringing music to those without it, and there really is no better way than using workshops to teach. If you are an experienced student musician with a passion for passing on your skills, join us as we attempt to make music a universal language.


Have a competitive spirit? Check out these contests!

Content Creation

Want to reach as many people as possible? Write about music!

App Dev

Like to code? We're always developing apps to help bring music to as many people as possible!

English or Spanish?

Listening to songs in other languages is usually fun, but what if you could hear the song in your native language, without any changes in rhythm or flow? That's exactly what we're trying to build!

Therapy Tunes

Have you ever been in need of a playlist to relax your thoughts, especially when you're stressed out? Well, we're working on something to help you when you're down!

Coming Soon!

We have a lot more in the works; join us to help bring new ideas to life!