Paavni Suyal

Paavni Suyal

Co-founder, President

Hi, I'm Paavni! I'm President at Musical Memories, and I'm in charge of managing and overseeing the organization as a whole, providing strategic, financial, and operational leadership. I'm a current junior at Biotechnology High School! I have been playing the piano and flute for eight and six years, respectively, and as such, they have become two vital components of my identity. My musical experiences are something I cherish very much, and as I look back on them, each one seems more enchanting than the last. With Musical Memories, I hope to spread my love of music to you guys and make more wonderful memories along the way!

Pranshu Suyal

Pranshu Suyal

Co-founder, Vice President and CTO

Hi, I'm Pranshu, a junior at High Technology High School. I'm Vice President at Musical Memories, helping Paavni oversee the organization. As the CTO, I'm in charge of web development at the organization. I have many years of experience playing the piano and trombone. I am fueled by a desire to create a vibrant community centered around the universal language of music. With Musical Memories, I hope to spread my love of music to those around me and make some wonderful memories along the way.

Abhinav Kartik

Abhinav Kartik

Director of Tutoring

Hi, I'm Abhinav, a junior at High Technology High School. I lead the tutoring project at Musical Memories. I am also a web developer and designer for our organization. I have been playing the alto saxophone for over seven years. In that time, I have found a drive to spread the knowledge I've gained to others, as music is one of the most beautiful forms of expression in the world. At Musical Memories, I hope I can help give others a chance to experience the bliss I feel when I'm connected to music.

Chinmayi Palya

Chinmayi Palya

Director of Musical Hospice

Hi, I'm Chinmayi! I'm a junior at Biotechnology High School. I lead the musical hospice project at Musical Memories. I've been playing the violin for 10 years now, and I've been playing the flute for 6. Music has brought so much happiness into my life, from the diverse knowledge it has taught me to the meaningful connections it has enabled me to form. I can't wait to share the joy of music with my community!

Gianna Calimano

Gianna Calimano

Director of Public Relations

Hi, I'm Gianna! I am currently a junior in high school. I live in Staten Island and have a passion for neuroscience and music. I participate in band, theater, coding club, peer tutoring, and community service. I also enjoy academic competitions and spending time with my friends! I want to use my knowledge of neuroscience and music as well as my drive to help others while working for Musical Memories!

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